Support our Charity
Help us Financially
Would you like to help our charity with a financial donation or sponsorship?
Southern Sound is a registered Charity in Scotland SC007884
It's run entirely by volunteers
We rely on donations
Every penny is invested in the service
What would seem a few pounds to you as an individual or company means a lot for us.
In addition, If you are interested in sponsoring our programmes or in assisting with studio refurbishment then contact us.
Digital broadcasting has created many economies but there are ongoing costs to keeping a station broadcasting 24/7 and streaming online.
You can sponsor a particular programme, a specific piece of kit or even a whole studio
Get in contact to help a very good cause.
Carrying the Can
Every year, we are out and about collecting to support our charity. Even if you can't commit to full-time volunteering or sponsorship, shaking a can for us at these events is a key help too.
In addition, we like to feature local groups, particularly singing and dancing troupes, at our outside broadcasts.
So, get in contact to help in an unique way.